MAME .85 is out and it brings a lot of cool new improvments, most noteably the conversion of cfg files and ctrlr ini files to a more flexible, xml-based format. What sucks about that is if you use ctrlr files extensively (If you don't then you should, as they are easier to manage than going through the mame menus.) then you'll have to re-write all of your ini files in the new format.
Think again..... As usual, I've got ya covered. This simple set and forget app converts any valid set of ctrlr files into the new cfg file format.
My hands are cramping and atm I'm too lazy to add this app to the misc-utilites section so please use the link below for the time being.
NOTE: This is beta. It won't hurt your ini files, but the cfg file it makes may have errors. If it does email me the cfg file and the ini file it botched up and I'll see what the problem is. This is just a warning though, as it converts everything just fine afaik.
Comments are now gone. Spammers, people with too much time on their hands, ect were abusing them so they had to be turned off. I can use them on occasion but it'll be doubtful that they are ever used again. So if you know the individual/company responsible smack em upside the head for me.