I fixed a bug that caused issues with advanced filtering of the lof files. The new version is up.
The new version is out. A features list diectly from the readme:
Beta 2.0
What's New
Fixed Various bugs.
Added Command.dat support.
Added fixes that are required by the new mame core, Johnny will still work with older versions of mame.
The auto hot key script has now progressed enough to be considered a true feature. By using this seperate download package,
along with some help from your favorite fe, you can now view j5 and all it's supported dats while in mame!
(2000/Xp users only)
Added -ahk tag, which helps with the script.
Added -driver allowing the user to manually set the driver.
The viewer can now automatically retrieve the driver and clone, all that is required is the rom name, making it easier to use
j5 with your favorite fe.
(script is online)
Barring anymore mame changes or any major bugs found, this will probably be the last version for a while, so enjoy!
That last listgen I linked to was broken. Anyone having trouble please download again and all should be well. :)