April 20, 2003
A Name has been choosen. (Maybe)

First I would like to say that the submissions thus far have been much appreciated, and contained many were good ideas. Unfortunately none of them really caught my eye. I have a concept and a possible name in the works and very soon I will start themeing it. However I feel really bad that I wasn't able to select a winner from the current submissions.

So here's the deal.....

In the time it takes me to finish dx laz for beta testing you can be the "winner" (perhaps in title only as I haven't found a suitable prize yet) by either:

A. Guessing the concept/theme that I'm going to use.


B. Thinking up a better idea/theme than the one I'm going with and thus blowing me away.

So from now on add submissions/guesses to this post.

Oh and it's coming....... >: ]

Posted by Howard at 03:34 AM
April 14, 2003
Name the new Fe contest!

Ok the code aspect of lazarus is 95% completed at this point so it's time for me to work on the graphical style. This is where I need your help. I need ideas on what dx laz will be officially called and the default theme it will use.

Here are the rules:

#1 Don't suggest "like that other front end," as I don't want it to look like any other fe out there.

#2 No games for themes. I'm not found of getting sued and regardless I don't like the idea of themeing it around a game.

#3 All submissions must be attached to this news blurb's comments, be it a link to a proposed image, just a quick name idea or whatever. If it's a type of submission that can't be done on the blurb's comment section post a comment saying so and I'll contact you.

There isn't a prize as of yet, but I'll think of something (although it won't be much as I'm out of work at the moment.) But besides that dx laz won't be released until it's named and a skin is made so its in your best interest to help me.

Thanks and please hurry! ;-)

Posted by Howard at 12:38 AM
April 13, 2003
Lazarus is not dead!

I know that a lot of you have been wondering what the hold up is on the new dx port of lazarus. Well there isn't any hold up, I've been working on it every day. The reason it's taking so long is because I am working very hard to get this new front end just right. But with that being said, I hate to keep everyone in the dark so starting soon, expect a screeshot or two regularly until I am done. Come back later today and hopefully I'll have something to show you.

Posted by Howard at 07:05 AM
April 01, 2003
New Installer is Up

Ok the new installer is up and I had this one tested for me and it works. Enjoy!

Posted by Howard at 07:12 PM