Saturday, April 21, 2012, 07:29 PM - Wrappers
SteveG brought it to my attention that version 6.0 of the wrapper sometimes errors out when you try to enter the in-game menu. This version fixes the issue. There aren't any new features or anything but you MUST download the newest version for full operation. Again, download from the wrappers section in the Misc Downloads to the right or from the link below. Enjoy!
Well crap, the EXE didn't compile so that's still the old one. I fixed the zip so it should be correct now. Please download again!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012, 08:40 PM - Wrappers
This one is a long time coming. The new vp wrapper allows you to do all of the translucency effects from the old 3.0 wrapper and much more. If nothing else it launches and exits vp very cleanly, so you should check it out.Note that this wrapper requires some setup. PLEASE read the included readme before using.
You'll find the new wrapper in the "wrappers" section to the right.
Note that I'm on a win 7 system now. There might be some issues running this thing on XP, it's untested atm.
I neglected to mention that the in game menu requires a font to be installed on your system.
It's the Williams Pinball font. If you are a vp fan, you should have this font installed anyway because it is necessary for many vp tables. You'll find it inside the font pack available at
Saturday, July 16, 2011, 02:54 PM - Wrappers
It has been brought to my attention that the d3d dlls I included in the latest build generate some files, that apparently try to mess with your proxy. They seem fairly harmless (they are trying to dl an configuration file for the dlls apparently) BUT.For the d3d8 dll you'll get this:
Change it to this:
And make the file read-only
The d3d9 dll has a gigantic ini called blahblah.arc that allows you to fully tweak the render engine.
Just change the settings in the proxy section to look like this:
This one will remember settings.
Now keep in mind this is just a precaution. I checked my proxy settings on my computer and they are just fine. Better safe than sorry though.

Saturday, July 16, 2011, 01:47 AM - Wrappers
Ok I found some dlls on the net that fix a lot of problems with the Taito X Games.I've also cleaned up a removed a lot of bulk in my wrapper.
The combination of the two is the Taito Type X Wrapper Pack 1.2
It allows you to rotate all of the Vertical Games (except Raiden IV), hide the cursor, and also display bezels.
It also fixes the following bugs/issues:
Homura / Shikigami III - Proper Framerate
Matrimelee - Intro Video Now plays, Quicker Boot Time.
Street Fighter IV - Intro Video no Longer Locks Up.
It's in the misc downloads section to the right and as usual it comes in a no artwork flavor.

Thursday, July 7, 2011, 07:15 PM - Wrappers
Yup the link to the no artwork version of the rotate wrappers was broken. The php garbled the link, sorry. It's fixed now, so have fun!Next