Saturday, March 2, 2013, 07:43 PM - Troubleshooter 2
Brand new software always has issues. I *think* I squashed all the bugs from before.
So if your gun had the diagonal issue, or the buttons didn't work for vcop, this should fix you up.
As usual, the link is to the right.

Friday, March 1, 2013, 09:14 PM - Troubleshooter 2
Ok, over at BYOAC me a few other guys have been on a three month odyssey with the Model 2 emulator that resulted in this app. The troubleshooter 2, much like the original troubleshooter (which I did NOT make) adds dual lightgun support to pc games. It also supports joystick-based lightguns, IR guns and trackballs.
On top of that it adds support for model 2 lightgun games, memory hacking, output broadcasting to mamehooker (a new version of mamehooker has to be released to make that work) and re-definable exit keys that make it act as a simple wrapper.
It is rather complex to setup and the "about" page isn't quite there yet, but bare with me.
As usual a link is on the right in the New Troubleshooter section.
The version I released last night had a minor error in the script generation. A error that caused the lua script for the model 2 games not to launch correctly. Please download version 1.1 to the right and run the setup again.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013, 07:00 PM - General Site News
Over the next few days you'll see some new blocks appear to the left and most of the links will be invalid. I'm gearing up for software releases, so I'm making additions to the site. Just ignore them for now and I'll make a proper announcment once they are ready. Wednesday, November 7, 2012, 11:58 PM - General Site News
Man it's been a rough year. I won't bore you with the details but over the past 6 months there have been a few deaths in the family, two major power outtages, one during a heat wave and another during a cold snap and I've been very ill. And of course the site was broken for two months as well. Needless to say in terms of my goals for the site this year, I haven't really gotten anything done.
My health isn't 100% yet, but I'm hoping to release some stuff soon. There are things down the pipe ready to be released and I really need to clear them out to make room for more projects. Hopefully I can get some stuff going later this month, but I wanted to let people know that I'm still around and I'm still working on stuff.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012, 02:04 PM - General Site News
Unfortunately, about a day after I made that last post, the site went down again. Things appear to be working now, so keep your fingers crossed.
Just for future reference:
When the site goes down I do NOT have access to the files! Please don't email me asking for files when this happens! I didn't reply to any of those emails, because there were enough to where that would have taken up all of my free time and that's no fun for me. When the site is down, visit byoac. I made an announcment over there explaining the situation.
Anyway, I'll have some new apps to add soon, so check back!
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