The Dragon King
Arcana Heart 3 wrapper 1.0 
Tuesday, July 5, 2011, 03:53 PM - Wrappers
To go with the other type-x games, I've created a wrapper for Arcana Heart 3, which doesn't give you a proper exit key and screws up the screen resolution. I've also included a utility (not mine) to remap the keys.

The wrapper does the following:

1. Launches AH3 (duh)
2. Allows you to remap keys via a utility I found. (All except the coin, exit and test keys)
3. Allows you to define different coin1, coin2, test, and exit keys that the wrapper will translate to the hardcoded keys the game uses and pass them along.
4. When the exit key is pressed, the game gracefully exits and the proper desktop resolution is restored.

Now this game is very new, BUT the game has a 0% chance of ever being released in the west. If it does I expect you all to buy it. ;)

The link is in the misc utlities section to the right.
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Monday, July 4, 2011, 12:55 PM - Wrappers
Sorry. I had power outtages yesterday and I didn't get a chance to check the files. GigaWing was missing from the pack and the cfg file for Raiden III was messed up.

Please download 1.1 to get the full, fixed, version.
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Taito Type X Wrappers! Rotate the Vertical Games! 
Monday, July 4, 2011, 02:09 AM - Wrappers
In case you've been living in a cave the past couple of weeks, the Taito Type X Arcade "system" (it's actually a glorified pc running win xp) has been hacked and we can now run arcade versions of the games on our pc!

Unfortuantely the vertical shooters don't come with a rotation option. I've written a wrapper that mostly solves the problem and you can find it in the "Misc Downloads" section to the right. You'll need to download irotate to get them working and even then the stability is a bit iffy, but buggy rotation is still better than no rotation. ;)

A fair bit of setup is required prior to using them, so please read the readme carefully!!!

You have two flavors, the tiny less than 1mb version or the gaint 17mb version that includes nice bezels like the following:

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Visual Pinball Wrapper 5.1! 
Monday, July 9, 2007, 10:26 PM - Wrappers
This is mostly a bug-fix release as it fixes some focus issues others complained about. I also added the feature of skipping the rom selection screen on tables that allow you to select the rom.

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Visual Pinball Wrapper 5.0! 
Saturday, June 30, 2007, 06:25 PM - Wrappers
This one has been a long time coming. The 5th version of the pinball wrapper adds better dual screen functionality, the ability to add backglass-based artwork files on your secondary screen, and improved general functionality. Per request, the warning screen can now be edited. Go to the wrapper download section or use the link below.

Happy Pin-Mameing!
