Tuesday, August 14, 2007, 04:35 AM - General Site News
One of the things I've really neglected over the years is the documentation and explaination of my various apps. I thought this would be a good time to go back and document some of the more popular applications so newbies can understand exactly what they are downloading. If you look in the MAME InterOp section you'll see the start of my new about page for mame hooker. (Note the sweet new logo I made!) Hopefully this will stop all the questions about what mame hooker is. More about pages are to follow seeing has how I have to clean things up for my remaining uber releases. (Hint! Hint!)
Saturday, August 11, 2007, 08:40 PM - Mame Hooker
This release, amoung other minor bug fixes adds Pac-Drive support! Andy himself did the testing, so be sure to thank him!Monday, July 30, 2007, 12:33 AM - Mame Hooker
Mame Hooker 2.0 is out!Major updates include but are not limited to:
Command-line/DDE support, which means that developers of front ends and emulators can interact with mamehooker directly via dde interface and users can send commands to an already running mamehooker by simply launching it again with command line options.
Fixed various bugs with the new display system.
Added a more advanced force-feedback command, and a launch and wait command.
Also mamehookerstart and mamehookerstop have been added.
The source code won't be up for a while as it needs cleaning.
It's in the interop section to the right, grab it now!
On a side note, it has been a while since the new site has been up and although I promised some big releases this summer, I haven't exactly made good with that promise. Unfortunately the real world often takes away from my programming time and summer has gotten away from me. Big releases are still on the way, just be patient. I promise, it should be worth the wait.
Monday, July 9, 2007, 10:26 PM - Wrappers
This is mostly a bug-fix release as it fixes some focus issues others complained about. I also added the feature of skipping the rom selection screen on tables that allow you to select the rom. Enjoy

Sunday, July 1, 2007, 01:16 PM - General Site News
The issue appears to be resolved. It was a very localized event only affecting people using winrar. If you had trouble downloading files in the Misc Utilities section, try again, as they should be fixed now. Again, if you find any problems please leave a comment or contact me.
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