Wednesday, November 7, 2012, 11:58 PM - General Site News
Man it's been a rough year. I won't bore you with the details but over the past 6 months there have been a few deaths in the family, two major power outtages, one during a heat wave and another during a cold snap and I've been very ill. And of course the site was broken for two months as well. Needless to say in terms of my goals for the site this year, I haven't really gotten anything done.
My health isn't 100% yet, but I'm hoping to release some stuff soon. There are things down the pipe ready to be released and I really need to clear them out to make room for more projects. Hopefully I can get some stuff going later this month, but I wanted to let people know that I'm still around and I'm still working on stuff.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012, 02:04 PM - General Site News
Unfortunately, about a day after I made that last post, the site went down again. Things appear to be working now, so keep your fingers crossed.
Just for future reference:
When the site goes down I do NOT have access to the files! Please don't email me asking for files when this happens! I didn't reply to any of those emails, because there were enough to where that would have taken up all of my free time and that's no fun for me. When the site is down, visit byoac. I made an announcment over there explaining the situation.
Anyway, I'll have some new apps to add soon, so check back!
Sunday, August 5, 2012, 02:33 AM - General Site News
For anyone who had trouble downloading things in the past week or so I apologize. It was an unforseen result of BYOAC moving to a new server. I think everything is in working order again but if you have any issues please let me know. Big thanks to SirWoogie for getting everything working again. He always handles all the byoac server stuff and the rest of us don't have to do squat. You should all shower him with reches and womenz and such.

Anyway, I have an app on the way so stay tuned for further updates!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012, 02:39 AM - Mame Hooker
I had nothing to do with this, but the supermodel guys have added support for mame-style outputs and thus the supermodel emulator is now supported by mamehooker!Supermodel is a great model 3 emu that supports such modern notions as force-feedback.
ATM supermodel's official homepage is a little flaky, but you can get a pre-compiled version of the SVN build of supermodel at emuCR:
Keep in mind that it's a SVN verison, which is the equivelent of MAME's "u" versions, so there may be glitches.
Saturday, April 21, 2012, 07:29 PM - Wrappers
SteveG brought it to my attention that version 6.0 of the wrapper sometimes errors out when you try to enter the in-game menu. This version fixes the issue. There aren't any new features or anything but you MUST download the newest version for full operation. Again, download from the wrappers section in the Misc Downloads to the right or from the link below. Enjoy!
Well crap, the EXE didn't compile so that's still the old one. I fixed the zip so it should be correct now. Please download again!
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