Friday, August 17, 2007, 02:31 AM - Mame Hooker
Version 2.1 of the source code is up. Be warned, the addition of the pac-drive was a bit of a hack and as of this build it is rather messy in there. 
Wednesday, August 15, 2007, 11:24 PM - Mame InterOp
I'm really ashamed that it took so long for me to get this one up. The Mame InterOp project is what spawned mame hooker. Basically it is an open-source sdk that has a handy communication dll and source code examples in most languages showing how to connect to mame's outputs. Those of you wanting add mame output support to your app should definately look at this! It will make your life much easer! No need to re-invent the wheel folks.Also take note that while I am the custodian of this project, I didn't do much to it. Headkaze and the mame team did a great deal more, I simply helped flesh out the vb examples and helped with bug testing.
Saturday, August 11, 2007, 08:40 PM - Mame Hooker
This release, amoung other minor bug fixes adds Pac-Drive support! Andy himself did the testing, so be sure to thank him!Monday, July 30, 2007, 12:33 AM - Mame Hooker
Mame Hooker 2.0 is out!Major updates include but are not limited to:
Command-line/DDE support, which means that developers of front ends and emulators can interact with mamehooker directly via dde interface and users can send commands to an already running mamehooker by simply launching it again with command line options.
Fixed various bugs with the new display system.
Added a more advanced force-feedback command, and a launch and wait command.
Also mamehookerstart and mamehookerstop have been added.
The source code won't be up for a while as it needs cleaning.
It's in the interop section to the right, grab it now!
On a side note, it has been a while since the new site has been up and although I promised some big releases this summer, I haven't exactly made good with that promise. Unfortunately the real world often takes away from my programming time and summer has gotten away from me. Big releases are still on the way, just be patient. I promise, it should be worth the wait.