Friday, August 17, 2007, 02:48 AM - Misc Utilities
Headkaze has sent me a number of apps to host. One of them is Patcher FE. This handy little app patches in the best fe-friendly hacks into the mame source code. For those of you who insist on hiscore support or want to remove those disclaimers this will save you a lot of time! The app is in the Misc Utilities section.Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007, 02:03 AM - Misc Utilities
When re-organizing the site I was embarassed to discover I had a "lost" app! On the misc utilities page, you'll find it....Introducing The PC Games Utility!!!
The PCG cleverly creates files to make all of pc games look like roms to your front-end. It automatically does it's best to determine the exe name and path, the manufacturer, the release date, and the Game's full Name. It takes all of this data and stores it in false "rom" files, that my patented pc wrapper (included) can read. Of course, the utility also makes a clrmame dat file, so that front-ends can use all of this data as well.
No more stupid batch files, no manual editing of dozens of lists, no other hacks, finally a simple solution for adding multiple pc games!
The new utility is in the Misc Emu Utilities Section... enjoy!