The Dragon King
Move Along.....Nothing to See Here..... 
Sunday, February 18, 2018, 11:38 PM - General Site News
Ok I think I have most of the files back up. Some files that are buried deeper in the site might still be down, so if you run across some please email me. Thanks.

Pardon My Dust. 
Sunday, February 18, 2018, 11:16 PM - General Site News
It looks like the php counter for the downloads nuked itself again. That means some download links are broken, so please be patient while I fix them.

I'm Baaaaack! (Outrun 2 FXT 2.5 is out) 
Monday, December 4, 2017, 12:04 AM - General Site News
Due to some issues which I won't get into, the website has been neglected the past few years. I'm going to make an effort to do regular updates from now on. A project I've been working on for a few years now, Outrun 2 FXT, is getting a new release tonight. The only new feature is joystick override, which fixes the game's pesky tendency to forget which gamepad you wish to use. Find it in it's new category to the right. Expect a few releases from other projects over the next month or so.
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Checkered Flag 1.0 Released!  
Wednesday, August 27, 2014, 07:02 AM - General Site News
Well I guess hell has frozen over because I managed to release a new Front-End.

Checkered Flag is designed specifically for racing cabs and has a very simple, no-frills design.

It is in it's early stages, but feel free to check it out. As per-usual you'll find more info to the right.

Mamehooker 5.1 Released! 
Monday, March 31, 2014, 10:21 PM - Mame Hooker
We've been testing this guy for a week or so now and I think it's time to officially release it.

5.1 adds a ton of new stuff, but the main highlights:

Wheel support.

The ability to Load and manipulate FF effect files.

Title Bar Hooking for Unsupported Emulators.

Better DDE Support, which means that Troubleshooter 2 can now send outputs to Mamehooker!

Better Mult-Emulator support, Supermodel, Mame Model 2 and any Others you add now get their own folder.

Brand new tutorials going over all of this stuff.

So as per usual, the download in in the InterOP box to the right. Enjoy!

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