The Dragon King
(I) Fix(ed)-it Felix Jr. 5.2 
Monday, December 9, 2013, 08:33 PM - Fix-it Felix Jr.
Just some minor updates to the wrapper.

A Cocktail mode has been added. In addition "forced" joystick polling now works better and a bug which prevented really high scores from being saved is fixed.

Links are to the right, enjoy!

The Official Disney version is fixed! Introducing (I) Fix(ed)-it Felix Jr.  
Saturday, November 23, 2013, 01:26 AM
Ok so over the course of this weekend I fixed the official Disney version of Fix-it Felix Jr. that was leaked this spring. Fullscreen on horizontal monitors is now possible as well as all of the configuration options you would expect and the ability to save high scores!

The download, along with the brand new section, is to the right as per usual.



Well that was fast.  
Sunday, June 2, 2013, 10:27 PM - General Site News
It turns out the damage wasn't nearly as bad as I thought. Several file links got lost but many of them were just older revisions of software, so there was no reason to re-add them.

Everything should be back up but please contact me via boyac if anything is missing from the site, thanks.

Links might be dead. 
Sunday, June 2, 2013, 08:21 PM - General Site News
There seems to have been a minor corruption of the php re-direct that handles the links here on the site. Anything added after around the middle of 2010 is gone.

The files themselves are ok though, it's just the php list that manages them. It's roughly 20 files so please be patient while I track them down and re-link over the course of the week....thanks.

Ok Let's Try This Again....... TS2 1.2 
Saturday, March 2, 2013, 07:43 PM - Troubleshooter 2
Brand new software always has issues.

I *think* I squashed all the bugs from before.

So if your gun had the diagonal issue, or the buttons didn't work for vcop, this should fix you up.

As usual, the link is to the right.
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